Roto-Mix Dealer & Repair Shop

Roto-Mix Dealer & Repair Shop

Van Raay Paskal Farms is a professional beef producer and understands the importance of an efficient and economical livestock feeding system. VRP Farms is the only Roto-Mix dealer in Western Canada, as well the largest in Canada. Your maximum performance depends on choosing the right livestock feed mixer to improve your operation.

Roto-Mix manufactures strong, durable feed mixing equipment. Patented augers and staggered rotors facilitate a better total mixed feed ration quickly and efficiently, resulting in lower fuel consumption and less water.

Our Roto-Mix shop located in Picture Butte, Alberta assembles the feedboxes to the feed trucks and we keep a full inventory of Roto-Mix parts available for our customers. We have qualified staff to assist with any of your Roto-Mix needs.

We offer a variety of models to suite your specific needs.

For more information please contact:

Roto-Mix Parts


Roto-Mix Parts


Roto-Mix Sales

Calvin Sosick

Feedlot Information

Farm Information

Roto-Mix & Repair Shop

VRP Trucking